Thursday, February 5, 2009


So, I was at the stimuluswatch and found some interesting projects. (Overall it's a really informative interesting site)

I also found our newest Phrase That Doesn't eXist
the phrase is 
to be contradicting in the things that you support politically
meaning that some don't align with what I believe
i.e. If you support racial rights but not gay rights you are a Hippocrat.
(not being a Hippocrat would mean you didn't support either, so you could be a full on bigot)

I propose a new party, the Hippocratic Party, our mascot is obvious,  slightly elephant-y (Africa?), and somewhat donkey-like (2 big teeth I guess?), and like existing parties in that it won't have a consistent set of values. 

HippoCrats UNITE!

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