Saturday, February 7, 2009

So, with the acknowledgement of A-Rod testing positive in 2003 my list of truly great (meaning non enhanced) baseball sluggers I have seen play has dropped to 2.  With a lot of impressive, but not amazing longballers that don't make the cut.  

Although my mark for making the cut has probably been altered greatly due to the fact that at one time I was too naive to believe that both of the thigh-like forearms of Slammin Sammy and On the Mark McGwire were being drugged up.

The two that remain on my list match the two archetypal Major League Sluggers 
  • Jim Thome the doubles hitter who periodically jacks one, until his legs wear out and he is forced to become a designated hitter, puts on some pounds and resorts to just hitting for the fence, because second base is to long of a distance for a consistent sprint anymore.
  • Ken Griffey Jr. the fast young sweet swinging outfielder, who stretches himself just too far enough times that he's worn out and injury prone by his early 30s.  He fights back from each injury, just to re-bench himself with another risky play he could've made less than a decade prior.
Both of these men might also fall off this list, like Rafeal Palmeiro did some years back.  But I hold out hope that there have been a few of the classic consistent fence swinging sluggers since I have been watching baseball religiously.

but according to the NYT (which like a good liberal I should believe dogmatically) 

That list is getting SLIM

Thursday, February 5, 2009


So, I was at the stimuluswatch and found some interesting projects. (Overall it's a really informative interesting site)

I also found our newest Phrase That Doesn't eXist
the phrase is 
to be contradicting in the things that you support politically
meaning that some don't align with what I believe
i.e. If you support racial rights but not gay rights you are a Hippocrat.
(not being a Hippocrat would mean you didn't support either, so you could be a full on bigot)

I propose a new party, the Hippocratic Party, our mascot is obvious,  slightly elephant-y (Africa?), and somewhat donkey-like (2 big teeth I guess?), and like existing parties in that it won't have a consistent set of values. 

HippoCrats UNITE!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sick and weird sports

Ever have one of those days where you are sweating even though it's cold, you're coughing like there's a great dane stuck in your chest, and your nose is either running a mucus marathon, or multiple snot sprints.

I'm sick y'all and I'm sick y'all.
Liquid diet, multiple boxes of kleenex and a warm bed.

We'll see if it works

So there is this sport called aussie rules football.  Weird.  
Cool, but the fact that I had never heard of the most popular sport in Australia is weird.
Footy: Australian for NFL