Today. Sunday February 1st, 2009 we will embark on a historic journey. One practically no one will take notice of. Except you dear reader ... dear solitary reader.
The Super Boston Blog Bowl brought to you by transatlantische.blogspot.com
We will be jointly live-blogging from our debaucherous super bowl sunday escapade. It is a 20 hr marathon. Starting at 2:30, goin until 22:30. I won't be completely live as neither of us has come into vast riches or debt to afford an iPhone, but gosh darn it it will be all 200five live y'know like I'll post it within short term memory of it happening...Yeah. Hell yeah.
I'm makin a grilled cheese y'all.
This shit's gonna be FLAME
(by the way flame is the first PTDX of the MEGAPOST)
btw: This grilled cheese was actually literally flame, as in on fire, because I was blogging.
So, I will continue on, add some hotsauce and presto, just like coneys it's suddenly edible.
PTDX cont'd
to be delicious, only pertaining to solid food or soups that have been prepared under heat.
Richko bites into a burrito: Yo, that carne asada shit's FLAME!
Gaines retaliates: Wouldn't that be a bad thing?
Jake mixes Kentucky Whiskey, DeKuyper Peach Schnapps, and Ale81
Jessica tastes and responds: That Noxious Newport Nightcap shit's FLAME!!
Jake retaliates: Technically it is a cold beverage, therefore it has not been created with the help of a heat source, rendering it's "flame"ness impossible.
(Nerd silence)
But yes, it is quite orgasmic.
That food is especially appetizing right now, you should have some as well.
(warning, this PTDX is only because it hasn't caught on yet. So work some magic y'all)
Jake discovers the smell of extra sharp cheddar is like garlic for tabby's, climbs into bed. Witnesses a tabby chase it's tail on a stool, and unsurprisingly wipes out...yet lands on it's feet.
Trying to find clues as to what makes a good sports bar in boston is difficult. Almost every bar is a good sports bar when a big event is on television, yet when there is no sporting event, every sports bar is a depressing adult Discovery Zone.
We'll see how it works out just playing it by ear.
Off to Cheddar Grits and Shopping
John is in the Metro area on the MBTA. Jake has bought beer. All is well.
When you order grits in the south you get a spoon and a tablespoon or more of butter.
When you order Cheddar grits in Cambridge you get a fork. And it suits the consistency.
Drinking game update.
The Karate Kid
Every time someone says "Wax on, Wax off" drink.
[4:40] (Also pertains to "Right Circle, Left Circle")
[4:45] (and "Up and Down")
Every time Daniel says "Ma" drink
Every time there is a high school motorcycle gang drink
Every time there is an odd combination of after school activities happening at once finish beer
Every time Daniel alienates someone take a drink
When "You're the Best (Around)" by Joe Esposito comes on you must waterfall montage that shit UP
[more to come]
It has come to the nation's attention that all hipsters are secretly descendants of the karate kid.
Supply Roster for Bostonian Expedition
1. Transport sack to hide my valuables from the bostonians known for their voracious hunger for broken cameras and out of date cell phones.
2. Identities, all of which are secret and/or false.
3. A tome of all of Boston's secrets. Compiled by 5th century monks to fool locals into thinking you are a local as well. Possessing one of these within Boston city limits is grounds for public stoning.
4. iPod/secret world government tracking device.
5. Almanac and blogging inspirational tool.
6. Analog record tome.
Hipsters have watched the Karate kid and decided to take all things daniel does and take them as their own. From biking, to aviators, flannel button-up to baseball 3/4 length tees. To his compulsion to alienate anyone who shows any interest in anything he is interested in especially himself.
The polar opposite of any asian accent is an inner city accent.
One exudes wisdom
the other...Corruption.
Both will get your fences painted and pot holes filled.
Even drunks in the 80's were wearing Washington Nationals hats.
But only on west coast beaches where asian Karate Masters could knock your bottle necks clear off.
Daniel is rocking the cutoff mom jeans look. Just wait til June and Williamsburg will be crawling with it.
also, solid color windbreakers and hoodies. Seriously I think we're on to something.
And Tony Kawanari is to Mr. Miyagi as Daniel is to Hipsters.
We noticed something hilarious, got distracted and redact this post
Teenagers have the memory span of Gold fish in the land of Karate Kid.
as well as the sexist stereotypes of the 30's
Alli: "Can I drive"
Daniel: "Sure. Hey, it's the 80's"
The Karate Kid is Over, and it is time for a Super Bowl XLIII break.
We will form strong opinions about teams we care nothing about.
I (Jake) am a Bears fan holding a grudge against the former Chicago Cardinals who are now the Arizona Cardinals. Therefore making me a rabid Steelers SuperFan.
I (John) do not believe in football. It is most likely an elaborate illusion pulled off with the help of lasers and holograms.